Thursday, November 10, 2011


I havent updated in a while, and I've gotten word that that is unacceptable. So, here goes...

Not too much has changed. I am hardly working anymore, which is both good and bad. I miss getting to see all my friends everyday, but its nice to be able to be a stay at home Mommy again.

Daddy Chaun is still liking his job. He has also started helping his Dad get back into logging. They both act like kids in a candy store about it.
Chaun likes his school. He is learning how to swim. I go and watch every time his class has a swim day. It is absolutely amazing watching him grow in just an hour. The confidence he gains and the way he is learning to overcome his fears is awesome. I am one proud Mommy. He's a good kid. Cute too. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Summer is over. There is that chill in the air and the sunlight just isn't as bright as it was. Its days like today that remind me of walking home from school in the leaves. Or the year Chester invented a new game, 'catch the leaf', and we would run around under the big tree in the front yard and catch leaves until Mom would notice that we had not actually left for school yet and we were late.
The new chill does have a tendency to put my cooking mode into over drive. All comfort foods. Beef Stew, Turkey noodle soup, cinnamon rolls, jambalaya. :) Yes, food does make me happy. But not cuz I like to eat (I do). I just remember that our kitchen was the meeting place of the house. Sure, we used the living room for scripture reading and family stuff, but if you needed to feel like you were a part of something, you went to the kitchen.

In the morning, we didnt use alarm clocks. You knew it was time to get up because you could hear Tamazine downstairs emptying the dishwasher. Then as you were getting dressed you'd smell pancakes, and maybe if you were lucky, they were blueberry pancakes, AND Chester hadn't beat you to them. I think blueberries just tasted better cuz we knew that we had picked them ourselves. Or at least ate while Mom picked. Two in the mouth, one in the bucket :)
At the end of school, we'd run home and eat a snack while Mom asked us about our day. On really rainy cold days, we'd walk up the hill from school, and you'd always know if Mom was baking cinnamon rolls by the Liefson's house, they smelled that good. We'd sprint the last 100 feet, and Mom always had the first batch coming out the second we'd walk in the door. Sometimes she'd have us go back to the Liefson's and borrow a pan or two and fill it up with some for them. They looked forward to cinnamon roll day as much as us.

Dinner was always a massive affair.
Lots of laughing and passing/tossing/sliding food. My Dad made our table. It was the largest round table your could fit in the door way. We all fit around it, with room for guests. Also, when guest came, usually family, they would all enter from the back door. In all the hugging and excited talking, sometimes we'd stay in the kitchen for hours, leaning back against the counters, just happy to be back around each other. The kitchen would be packed, the living room would be empty, and everyone would be happy. I loved those days.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chaun started School.
His teacher is Ms. Lorrie. Today was his second day, and he is disappointed that they haven't used scissors yet. He says that for snack, they had crackers and green sticks (celery) and he told them that they need to go buy some ranch, and they said "maybe next time". They have reading time, and made pictures, and then have gym time. He likes it a lot and is making lots of new friends.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Chaun woke up this morning having a hard time breathing. By 9 o'clock I was scared and tried getting him into the same day clinic in Wheeler, but the receptionist told me that they couldn't see him till 2, and that I should take him in to the ER. Chaun had made himself a bed on the couch, but didnt fight me when I got him dressed and put him in the car. On the way there I told him to try and take deep breaths. By that time if he tried to talk he couldn't say more than three words without having to stop and take a breath.

We made it about 8 minutes in the car before he couldn't talk any more. I looked at him slumped over and thought, I need an ambulance or a Dr right now, he isnt going to make the hour drive to Seaside. We got to Wheeler, pulled him out of the car and rushed him into their clinic. I was crying so hard I couldn't talk, and the receptionist jumped up and pulled out a walkie talkie and had people rushing to meet us. They hooked Chaun up to all sorts of goodies, and gave him a 'dragon breather' (nebulizer) that opened his lungs up so he could breathe better. His oxygen levels were good, and within 30 minutes he was up and running around the room like normal. Whew.

They aren't sure what caused it, or if it will happen again, but they gave us an inhaler to take home and told me next time to bring him in immediately or to call an ambulance, because our ambulances are kinda like mini mobile hospitals. Never try and take him to a hospital an hour away. He is much better now, still breathing really shallow, but not panting like he was this morning. I hope this was just an isolated episode, but now at least we know what to do.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

2011 Reunion

We just got back from the 20th Hart family reunion. It was great being able to see everyone. The 'kid' cousins are graduating from high school, getting married and going to college. Its crazy. And my Uncles have finally mellowed out a bit. Sure, they still have to jump off any bridge over four feet of water, but now they come up whining about 'backs' and 'cold'.

We went horse back riding.
As soon as we told Chaun he asked, "I am a cowboy? I need a hat. We need to go shopping."

We also went to Yellowstone Bear World with my Dad.
Do not pet. Not a toy.

We got some pictures.
Very nice.

Overall a great time. I love spending time with my family. It was awesome.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tamazine says I need to update daily, so here's an update :)

I have two jobs now and work a lot. I still work at the hotel, mostly just to help out, and because I would feel horrible quitting during the busiest part of the year. The only good thing that came out of that job is Vicki, my only friend in Rockaway.

My other job, on the other hand.... Amazing. I love it. Anyone who knows me knows I flourish under pressure. And there's a lot of pressure there. Its a very fast paced, go-go-go place. You hit the ground running and don't stop until you drop into your car to drive home.
BUT... They love me. They really do. I'm kinda hard to get worked up, and I move on fast. I came in and asked to learn everything, and I watch the owners alot to see what stresses them out, and then I work to stop that from happening.

Just this last Saturday one of my bosses couldnt walk because he had a really really bad infection, and his wife is massively pregnant. Saturday is the busiest day for us. $100's in tips. I punched out and drove him to the ER and sat with him for hours. Spent my whole night there with him. I lost alot of money, but short time loss, long term gain.

I'm away from home alot, and I dont like that. But most weekends the Chauns go to Vancouver, so I work all night, sleep for a few hours and then work at the hotel in the morning and get back to work at 3. It keeps me busy and happy while they are gone.

Chaun is growing up so fast. He talks really well, and loves taking care of the three kitties we are fostering. He really wants to keep one, Clover, and I am for it. She seems to like his rough cuddles. He makes her stay with him when he watches a movie, and she actually falls asleep on him. Its super cute. I love the runt, Mara. She used to be the ugliest cat ever, but now she is a very soft grey and orange. :) She loves me.

Thats all I got right now Tamazine, I'll probably edit and add pictures later.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yesterday was the Forth of July, and it was amazing. There was a big parade, and Chaun got a bag of candy. The floats were pretty cool, and I got to say, we have the coolest emergency vehicles I've ever seen, including a Hummer Search and Rescue.
I was supposed to work from 6-11 that night, but they shut the doors at 9, and I made it home just in time. I grabbed a ton of blankets and ran for the beach where I met the boys just out side of the roped off area right as the first fireworks started.
We threw down a blanket, squeezed Chaun in between us and watched the best show I've ever seen.

Half way through they did what we thought was the grand finale that would have put most entire firework shows to shame, and then they just kept going.

The fireworks were amazing, but my favorite part of the night was when Chaun said "Hey, Mom? I love you. Hey, Dad? I love you" :) Perfect day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Davison

Grandma and Grandpa just left. It was great to have them here. Grandma is amazing, we just talked for hours while Grandpa played drums with Chaun. He is so good with kids. We went for a walk on the beach and then Grandpa wanted a fruit salad, so they drove all the way back to Tillamook for fruit. :) We ate a spaghetti dinner and talked and laughed and made Grandma a facebook that I really hope she gets addicted to... It was great.
I wish I had gotten pictures. :(

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rockaway at 8:30 pm

This was an impromptu walk on the beach tonight. I'm glad we went, I got a lot of good 'Memories'.

I like his happy little face! :)

The two loves of my life. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The elusive Reuben :)

I love how Rochelle post pictures on her blog. Its the only place to see the kids. And I figured, since I live close to Chet and Bri and Reuben, and they kinda drop off the world unless you are right in their face, I'd update you all on them. :)

Chet and Bri are doing great. I love seeing them interact. They are living in the old house on K street, and it looks pretty different from before. Bri is a great decorator, and the house looks nice. Yes there is a TV in the living room. :) The dinning room looks... like a dinning room. No knights of the round table in there. :) Reuben sleeps in the big room up stairs, and Chester has the coolest computer I've ever seen. Lots of geek appeal. Something about aliens. Its nice.

Phebee has a new best friend, Mars, a pure bred rottweiler. Yeah, I was a little apprehensive too.
This dog is smart though. And very mellow.

He is 8 weeks old and weighs 30 pounds, as much as my three year old. He will be full grown in 7 months. Like a puppy, he chews on everything. Cement, the fig tree, ropes.
He loves chasing Chaun around, but he doesnt play rough at all.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Do you ever have on of those days when the toys need picked up, the laundry needs done, the dishwasher needs emptied, and you have zero motivation? Yeah... its one of those days here. :)

The weather is pretty mellow for spring. It rained yesterday, but its been pretty sunny lately. I've got a nice tan on my arms, and little Chaun lucked out with Reuben and Veronicas skin color. He tans so easy.

We currently have a lovely patch of dirt for a front yard, but I bought grass seed and flowers, so its a work in progress. It will look good someday. I wanted box hedges around the front, but they take forever to grow, and we wont even be here long enough to see them touch. You know me, I want it now! :)

On nice days we take a walk up in the hills behind us. There is a landing with an amazing view. You can see the waves breaking, and ships way out at sea. It is so stunningly beautiful. I dont know what I did to deserve this life, but I really love it.

Little Chaun slept in bed with us last night. He hardly ever does, but its nice to snuggle with him listening to Daddy snore.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A little over eager, perhaps...

This is my second day with a blog, and I feel over eager posting again, but eh... I know you, my adoring fans, are excited to read more.

A little more about us-

Cj has a great job that he tells me he loves. He is a shop manager, and he is on a fast track to becoming a regional manager. We are falling in love with this place though. Its going to be really tough to leave it in a few years.

We have a nice home with amazing Landlords. A great change from Larry the peeping tom. :P We have a great cat, Strykker, and don't tell Cj, but I have also signed up for the cat fostering program. I will be fostering Momma cat and kittens. I get them when they are cute and tiny and cuddly, and then help them find homes. I am super excited about it. Chaun has started asking me about having a baby in my tummy, and I think this will help him understand babies before we do that.
And the answer to your question about that is.... No. Not yet. Hopefully soon. We are ready :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

A little about us

We live on the edge of an ex forest. Less than a month after moving here they clear cut two blocks away from us. I don't mind. I married a logger, so I understand that it was just sterile tree farm, and not a real forest. But I don't think I will ever forget the sound of squirrels screaming. So horrible. On to happier things...

We live on Ocean Street. The street are ABC order, so that means we are 15 blocks from the ocean, which is both good and bad. We are just above the Tsunami evacuation, but Chaun has little legs, and by the time we walk to the beach and play, I have to carry him home :) Thats when it is nice that the blocks are shorter than normal, and some streets, like Marine, aren't even there. There is just a grass path where someday there could be a road.

This is a very small town, and although there are lots of homes, only about 1 in 5 are lived in. When I meet someone my age (20-45), its a big deal. We both get all excited and exchange info. Most of the people out here are retired. And very old.

Chaun has a little daycare that he loves, "Pammies" and begs to go play everyday. He does go about twice a week for a few hours. I think it is awesome for him. He has friends, Carter and Grace, and tries new food everyday.

Today when we got home from daycare there were four deer next door, and one is hugely pregnant. Chaun already has big plans for her baby. He says it can sleep in his bed, and if there are two, one can sleep on the floor by the bed. He plans to feed it cheese, and pet it.